Bikers Rally to Support Austin Police and Oppose Mayor
By Bismarck D. Andino
Reporting Texas TV

AUSTIN, TEXAS — Members of a social biker club gathered Sunday at the Austin Police Department headquarters to criticize Mayor Steve Adler and the city council for cutting law enforcement funds over the summer.
The Wind Therapy Freedom Riders rode from Round Rock to meet a crowd of more than 50 people, including local candidates and conservative groups, to march to W Hotel. The mayor owns a condo at the 36-story high-rise.
Luis Rodriguez, the club’s president, said the protest was meant to get voters’ attention and to let them know who “the bad guys” are.
“Our goal is to be right in the face of Mayor Adler,” Rodriguez said. “He has done a great job at destroying our city.”
The group marched to Lavaca Street to protest in front of Adler’s residence. They wanted him to come out to talk about the hostile environment they said he has created for APD.
“The defunding the police movement has made it the worse environment for law enforcement that I’ve ever seen in my life,” said Michael Lovins, a candidate for Travis County Judge.
“We need to be here to support them, not because they’re perfect but because they’re great, and they can be even better.”
Becky McMillian, founder of the Your Minute is Up political action committee, said crime is up so much in Austin the city is no longer safe. She launched the Stop Adler website to collect signatures for a petition in support of replacing the mayor.
“We have until April 11th to recall him, we have to collect 61,000 signatures, we’re shooting for 70,000, and we’re on very good pace to make that happen,” McMillian said.
Adler was re-elected in 2018 and his current term does not expire until Jan. 5, 2023.
Sunday’s protest came at a time when other groups across Texas also rallied in the days before the general election. The Wind Therapy Freedom Riders said they have no political affiliation.
“We’re backing political candidates not because we’re political, but because the other side picked a fight with the law enforcement and that’s not anything that we’ll stand for,” Rodriguez said.
“We’re out here letting them know they’re out. It’s time for the good guys to get on the saddle.”
A spokesperson for Mayor Adler released a statement to KVUE Sunday that said Adler had no comments about the rally. The statement said the mayor was out looking at new opportunities for getting people out of tents and into homes.