Reporting Texas
News and features from UT-Austin's School of Journalism
Reporting Texas Archives
Oct 29, 2020

Reporting Texas TV Newscast October 29, 2020

AUSTIN, Texas — Journalism students from Moody College at the University of Texas made their third newscast of the semester on October 22, 2020. This week student journalists investigated support for and opposition to the playing of “The Eyes of Texas” at Longhorn football games, met with local protesters involved in the End SARS movement, […]

Oct 29, 2020

Texans Join Worldwide End SARS Protests

AUSTIN, Texas — The End SARS movement came to Austin with the help of University of Texas students. Nigeria’s Special Anti-Robbery Squad, SARS for short, gained worldwide attention following an October 3 video that appears to show officers shoot and kill a young man in Ughelli. UT’s African Student Organization helped organize the October 16 […]

Oct 29, 2020

Thousands Sign Petition in Support of “The Eyes of Texas” at UT Football Games

AUSTIN, Texas — Students and alumni gathered Saturday at Cain and Abel’s sports bar to collect signatures for a petition to keep “The Eyes of Texas” as UT’s alma mater and play it at football games. The song became a trending topic on social media after The Daily Texan reported that members of the Longhorn […]

Oct 27, 2020

Capareda’s Long, Winding Road to Ballet Austin

For Alexa Capareda, dance has long been a force in her life, a whirlwind around the globe. It has also been transformative. A journey that took her from youthful dancer to esteemed ballet master. As a child in the Philippines, she was well on her way to success. Then, her father was named a professor […]

Oct 24, 2020

Central Texas School Social Workers and Counselors Face Pandemic-related Challenges

Since the pandemic forced schools to limit in-person classes, social workers and counselors have struggled to maintain relationships with students. In addition to the difficulty of staying in touch with students virtually, social workers have had to navigate what experts call a mental health crisis.

Oct 23, 2020

Reporting Texas TV Newscast October 22, 2020

AUSTIN, Texas — Journalism students from Moody College at the University of Texas made their second newscast of the semester on October 22, 2020. This week students looked into the COVID-19 testing requirements for students to attend home football games, a volunteer program fighting food insecurity, and some stories involving a pair of billionaires with […]

Oct 23, 2020

Reporting Texas TV Newscast October 15, 2020

AUSTIN, Texas — Journalism students from Moody College at the University of Texas made their first newscast of the semester on October 15, 2020. This week’s show covers concerns about ballot drop-off locations,  an on-campus flu shot clinic, and ways the university is helping support students and staff struggling with mental health issues during the […]

Oct 22, 2020

Negative COVID-19 Tests Required for Student Seats at DKR Stadium

AUSTIN, Texas — In order to attend University of Texas home football games, students with Big Tickets must get a proactive COVID-19 test. The Big Ticket is a season pass to Longhorn home games in football, basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, soccer, and track. Fewer than 4,000 students paid for the package this year. Senior journalism […]

Oct 22, 2020

Hope Austin Expands Reach Despite Pandemic

AUSTIN, Texas — Monica von Waaden volunteered with Round Rock ISD’s Clothes Closet for years. When her children graduated, von Waaden started Hope Austin to focus on the issue of food insecurity. “I thought, if there’s a need for clothing…there has to be a need for food,” von Waaden said. “Lo and behold, there [was] […]

Oct 18, 2020

Trump March Fizzles in Downtown Austin

The march, the fourth annual iteration of the event, attracted a much smaller crowd than previous marches, which have seen upward of 300 attendees. The marchers were unfazed by the lackluster turnout and insisted that it wasn’t a sign of flailing support for an embattled president.

Oct 17, 2020

Parents Navigate Virtual Learning for Kids

As a full-time restaurant manager and mother of three young boys, Carolina Benitez has a lot on her plate already. She works 55 hours each week and spends her two days off, Mondays and Tuesdays, supervising her oldest son, Jeremiah, while he attends school online. “I honestly am concerned that he will fall behind. I’m […]

Oct 17, 2020

UT Greek Life Struggles to Adhere to Pandemic Protocols

On the 2020 season’s first game-day Saturday, things seemed pretty normal for a University of Texas football weekend — pre-pandemic normal. At the Texas Rho fraternity house, dozens of UT students partied together in person. A leaked SnapChat video from inside the event showed attendees singing “The Eyes of Texas,” and standing shoulder to shoulder underneath a balcony packed […]

Oct 17, 2020

For ‘Esther’s Follies,’ Show Goes On (Virtually)

On Friday and Saturday nights at Sixth and Red River in downtown Austin, nine actors and a magician would stand beneath the warm glow of stage lights and look out at the sea of 270 bodies crammed in the sold-out theater, eager to deliver the next gut-busting joke or burst into comedic song. That was […]

Oct 16, 2020

Mexican Writer Témoris Grecko on Journalists Risking Their Lives 

Mexican journalist Témoris Grecko, who was kidnapped for several months in Syria in 2013, shares his experience reporting from war zones and tells stories of journalists who have been killed in their search for truth.

Grecko”s book, “Killing the Story: Journalists Risking Their Lives to Uncover the Truth in Mexico,” was published in the United States in June. He will speak at the Texas Book Festival at 12:45 p.m. on Nov. 8 on Zoom. The book festival, which is virtual this year, runs from Nov. 6 to 15.

Oct 16, 2020

Thousands Get Flu Shots at UT Student Union

AUSTIN, Texas — University Health Services is hosting its annual flu shot clinic in the Texas Union Ballroom through October 23. “The flu shot campaign this year is a little different than years past,” said Sherry Bell, a member of the UT Health Services Public Information Team. UHS is taking COVID-19 precautions to ensure the […]

Oct 16, 2020

UT Students and Staff Address Mental Health Due to COVID-19

AUSTIN, Texas – University of Texas senior Aidan Stone has had mental health struggles for years—and then the pandemic hit. Like many other students, Stone opted to take all of his classes online. More than 75% of classes are being held virtually. The lack of socialization has taken a toll on Stone. “There are days […]

Oct 16, 2020

Governor’s Order to Remove Drop-Off Ballot Boxes Brings Questions

AUSTIN, Texas — Gov. Greg Abbott’s proclamation limiting counties to a single mail-in ballot drop-off location made people question whether he has the legal authority to do so. In a lawsuit brought by the League of United Latin American Citizens and the League of Women Voters, a federal court ruled that he doesn’t. Attorney General […]

Oct 14, 2020

Updates: On Election Day, Austin Voters Encounter Short Lines at the Polls; No Reports of Intimidation Efforts or Voting Issues

During early voting, Reporting Texas correspondents will regularly file reports from Travis, Williamson, Hays, Bastrop and Caldwell counties, as well as early voting locations in Travis County. On Election Day, correspondents will post dispatches from polling places around Travis County. Check back for updates.

Oct 14, 2020

Project Connect and Austin’s Past Light Rail Fails

The fate of the Oval Office is not the only key issue on Austinites’ ballot this November. Project Connect, Austin’s proposal for a light rail system and widely expanded bus service, is on the ticket as Proposition A. Voters rejected light rail plans in 2000 and 2014.

Oct 13, 2020

Professor Provides Insight on Governor’s Proposed Protest Laws

In September, Gov. Greg Abbott suggested legislation that takes aim at protesters. The Governor’s proposals are part of a renewed law and order focus promoted by President Donald Trump. Reporting Texas spoke with Arizona State Criminal Justice Professor Edward Mcguire about the measures.